Sunday, February 05, 2006

Funky Buddha

It's quite some time now that i visited the blog world. I have been busy. I have virtually glued my ass to the chair right now.

We (bunch of desis) from office went club hunting on friday. We weren't let in into some clubs due to me not carrying my id (license to drink) and we didn't like some as they were cramped up. But we eventually landed up in an real nice lounge 'Funky Buddha'. I instantly liked the place. It played music that made sense. It was lit enough to find your way to the loo without bumping or tripping on somebody/something (especially when you are drunk). The music wasn't too loud and so we could make a decent conversation without hurting our vocal chords. The drinks had the right proportion of alcohol, ice and coke. Normally I end up drinking ice water (after the first two sips of my drink) in most of the clubs. Also it wasn't suffocating and it had a good view from its patio. In addition to all this we got free Kamikaze shots. Allinall it was a nice experience.

I guess it's high time i visited a karaoke club.


Blogger Siva said...

I am going to stay!!!

7:32 PM  
Blogger Siva said...

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7:32 PM  
Blogger Siva said...

I am going to stay!!

7:34 PM  

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