Monday, August 25, 2008

Empower India

I have learnt the difference between helping and empowering someone through my dad. I have seen him refuse monetary help to many people but has given the same people a chance to work in our factory or any of the subsidiary business. These people are still employed with us and doing better than before. He says we cripple people by offering them help instead of empowering them.
The various schemes that are being launched by successive govts to win vote bank is a classic example of crippling people. The scheme by congress govt to subsidize farmer loan worth thousands of crores makes those farmers who worked hard to pay back those loans and those who committed suicide look like fools! The scheme by the state BJP govt to provide 100 rupees per day for a family of five below poverty line in villages to increase spending power to boost economy is another bad scheme. This has made people lazy as they can just work for 15 days a month and survive easily. This has effected many small scale and cooperative industries in the villages as it has become hard to find labors.
What we need is schemes to empower people -
1) Instead of subsidizing farmer loans, provide continuous electricity and get rid of the middle men so that farmers can get a fair price for their yield
2) Instead of increasing OBC quotas improve the primary education system and make it affordable to everybody
3) Instead of promising TVs and bicycles for the voters promise basic ammenities like electricity, public toilets and roads
4) Instead of decreasing/increasing duties decrease red tape and corruption

5) Instead of improving infrastructure in cities to accommodate the ever increasing population increase the employment opportunities in small towns and villages and improve their living conditions - thus stopping vast number of people from migrating to cities

There are many ways we can empower people and if this is not the route we take I think we can kiss our aim of strongest economy by 2030 a good-bye!

I return...

Its been 368 number of days since i last blogged. Lot of things have happened since then --

I failed miserably at my pursuit of post graduate studies, haven't lost heart though.

Two of my best friends got married, to each other! First of the lot.
My parents moved into their newly constructed house, a great feeling!
I crashed my boss' bike, a ducati. Physical injuries have healed, monetary injuries haven't :)
Lost 9 kilos in an effort to get back to shape, i dont have to unbutton my pants anymore atfer lunch :)
Lost in the matters of heart, yet another time
Federer lost to Nadal in one of the best matches in the history of tennis, was shattered for two days!
Indian inflation reached a record high of 12%
Moved back to India office, loving it here
The sanctity of Indian Parliament was maligned (cashgate)
India won its first olympic gold at a individual event, surely a historic moment!

told you - a lot has happened in the last 368 days
