Friday, November 28, 2008

You know what will be cool?

Mini-Me version of me! I bet I will never get bored and i will never need a pet :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mumbai Attacks - Result of our chalta hai attitude?

The terrorist attacks in Mumbai is not only a sign of how depraved and misled are some people who shoot at unarmed innocent folks going about their day as any other day but about how incompetent our government is when it comes to protecting it's people! Kids, old people, folks visiting our country to see its wonder, workers who were returning home to their families after a day's hard work and couples having a nice dinner were all attacked with no mercy. Freedom of a whole city was taken away in a night by some 20 odd terrorists who I believe were cowards to target the innocent.
Once this is over are we going start over with the "chalta hai" attitude that we are so famous for? However resilient that might seem we got to show our government that we are not OK. We are not OK that

-our freedom has been taken away
-we can't peacefully celebrate a night out with friends and family without worrying about being shot
-we need to think twice before we board a train
-foreigners brand India with terrorism
-people die for no reason or no mistake of theirs
-petty terrorists can instill fear in us to roam our own streets
-the leaders we elect are not fit to do their jobs
-it makes us question secularity of our country
-the very fabric of our society is being torn apart in parts
The only way to make our leaders accountable for this mess is tell them we are not OK!!!!

What we need to realise is India is a easier and softer target after countries such as US and UK have strengthened the security and are less prone to terrorist attack. Guess, it helps the terrorists keep themselves motivated by reining terror on easier targets. So lets shed our "chalta hai" attitude before we mourn the loss of more countrymen and hold our leaders responsible for our safety and peace!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Sketch Idea for SNL

Palin a participant on "Are you smarter than a five grader?" show :)

Thursday, November 06, 2008

America Rebooted

If you happen to watch any of the news channels here in US you will see nothing but teary eyes, jubilant youngsters, dreamy eyes, pumping fists and hopeful faces. This is after the defining moment when they chose a African American to the highest office in united states. People here have been reinvigorated and have started to believe that America is still the land-of-opportunity.

But i feel pundits are making more of this than it actually is. I believe its more about choosing the right candidate to set alright the things screwed up by a pathetic incumbent administration. People are frustrated by the current administration and they are hungry for a "Change" that Obama promised them. Also, McCain ran a lacklustre campaign with no clear and constant message. Interesting question would be what would have been the result if we had an equally strong republican candidate? Would color-of-skin mattered then?

I guess Obama gets complete credit for a long and hard campaign. He ran a organized campaign keeping the message constant. He utilized the incompetency of the current administration to mobilize people against another term of Republican govt. The Obama campaign team also strategised the voter registration and as exit polls indicated most of the first time voters voted for Obama.
This election is surely a historic event and seems to have rebooted America to do what they are best at - be the Superpower!

PS: I do have a Nov 5 edition of USA Today. Wondering how much it will fetch me on eBay :)