Sunday, March 05, 2006

What's in the name..

My full name is Shivaprakash Rudranna Hoskeri. I know most (or if any) of you reading this blog must already be carrying a malicious smile on reading it.
It's really frustrating when you have a name that becomes diffcult for people to remember. Forget my second name or the surname, people find it difficult to even remember my first name. The problem started when I moved to a residential school. Seniors and teachers had difficulty in getting my name right in the first attempt. They would call me with 2-2-3 different names (Shivakumar, Shivaprasad, Prakash, Shiva) before actually settling with my actual name(with some prompting from my end).

I was never known by my name in my college. I was called by my nick name. Actually famous for it. I don't blame my parents for naming me this way. They christened me with a name that's meaningful. But it's not an name that is easy to remember or to pronounce for that matter. It's also a bit long.

Having a short name is an advantage. When conversing in group would you be comfortable conversing with Rahul or Durudundeshwar? By the time I get the name right I would have forgotten the very reason of addressing him.

Name also help you build up an image of a person befor you meet him or the first time you meet him. Shivaprakash sounds so formal, taciturn, held-back, not funny.

So trust me, there's a lot in the name.
Lucky all the Rahuls, Aryans, Sivas, Neals .....

Saturday, March 04, 2006


"To Love Is To Err, To Flirt Divine."
Not sure where/when i heard this, not sure how much of it is true but it surely sounds cool.